Sunday, May 31, 2020
Flannery OConnors Intellectuals Exposing Her Worlds Narrow Field of Vision - Literature Essay Samples
Flannery OConnors Intellectuals: Exposing Her Worlds Narrow Field of Visionby, Robin K. BrubakerJune 24, 2004 Some critics would argue that a fiction writers Christianity, or understanding of ultimate reality in terms of the Fall of humankind and redemption through Jesus Christ, automatically disconnects that writer from reality as the modern world defines and experiences it, thereby confining that writers work within a closed system of possibilities and purpose. Yet Catholic writer Flannery OConnor argues directly against this notion in her prose, creatively demonstrating the scope and wholeness of her vision. Perhaps the modern horror she found to be most contrary to her faith and vision was her worlds belief in the self-sufficiency of the human individual apart from God. John F. Desmond believes the motivation behind her work was rooted in the fact that the age speciously believed in its own capacity for achieving wholeness exclusive of the divine, a situation she found truly gr otesque (53). While this general human tendency to rely on oneself rather than God as the source of truth and fulfillment in life is hardly a modern development, OConnor perceptively identifies and counters the particular shapes and colors in which this age-old fallacy appears in her modern world. Through many of her educated (or philosophically sophisticated) characters, OConnor effectively exposes her worlds limited field of vision and tries to open its eyes to an all-encompassing realitythe boundless mystery and possibilities of Gods grace.THEORY OF THE CHRISTIAN WRITER OConnor sought, in her personal belief system and in her fiction, a comprehensive world view that did not separate the reality of human experience and knowledge from abstract or spiritual truth. In her essay, The Nature and Aim of Fiction, she recognizes that this Manichean separation of spirit and matter is pretty much the modern spirit (68). She complains about critics who approach her stories only as stateme nts of abstract truth and forget that the whole story is the meaning, because it is an experience, not an abstraction (73). Furthermore, she believed that the Church as well had focused too long on the abstract at the expense of the imagination: Christian writers, therefore, will try to enshrine the mystery without the fact, and there will follow a further set of separations which are inimical to art. Judgment will be separated from vision; nature from grace; and reason from the imagination (The Catholic Novelist in the Protestant South 864). Consequently, OConnor saw a unique and important vision for her fiction: she called it an incarnational art (The Nature and Aim of Fiction 68)a fitting description for her work which certainly incarnates spiritual truths firmly in the flesh of a visible, tangible, and often grotesque reality.OConnor uses many of her characters to show how the modern mind is guilty of the separations she mentions, especially the separation of reason from the i magination, or what I also call the separation of the head from the heart. Believing strongly in the need to convince her readers through the senses (The Nature and Aim of Fiction 67), OConnor reveals the inconsistencies and ineffectiveness of such worldly philosophies often through completely natural means. She brings these proud, intellectual characters to a confrontation with real, undeniable evidence of either unconquerable evil or unfathomable love to expose their own true blindness and helplessness. Critic Carter W. Martin divides OConnors atheists into several groups, one of which includes those who reject Christianity on the basis of existentialist philosophical positions that lead them to belief only in nothingness (55). He includes Joy-Hulga from Good Country People and Hazel Motes from Wise Blood in this group, and I would also add Julian from Everything that Rises Must Converge, Asbury from The Enduring Chill, and Thomas from The Comforts of Home. There is a certain danger in stereotyping OConnors characters; OConnor herself, I believe, would have argued against removing characters outside their unique experiences within a story and placing them under an abstract label. Neither all intellectuals nor all worldly philosophies are alike. These characters (mentioned above) are true to life; OConnor incarnates various deviations from Gods truth in the complex realities of human experience. She does so, however, to identify their shared philosophical errors and practical ineffectiveness and to reveal the limitless powers of her own larger vision of reality.JOY-HULGA Joy-Hulga is perhaps one of OConnors most famous intellectuals, and this moment when someone with such a proud and tough exterior is brought to a condition of complete vulnerability and helplessness is probably one of her most humorous. With her Ph.D. in philosophy, Joy-Hulga seems confident and comfortable in her nihilistic beliefs: some of use have taken off our blindfolds and see that theres nothing to see. Its a kind of salvation' (280), she tells Manley Pointer. OConnor cleverly uses Joy-Hulgas own mind, however, to give the reader a more realistic view of her. Her education appears to have done her no practical good: she is lazy, unpleasant, and has an exaggerated view of her own intellectual significance. She sees philosophical meaning in the mundane or inconsequential: she considers the name Hulga, for example, as the name of her highest creative act (267). She also reads philosophical significance into her first conversation with the Bible salesman and pretends that their arranged meeting has profound implications in it (275). She imagines herself bringing him out of his innocence into some deeper understanding of life (276). Ironically, it is he who gives Joy-Hulga this opportunity in the end. This moment comes as Joy-Hulga gradually makes herself more and more vulnerable to Pointer. Of course, the humor lies in the fact that Joy-Hulga, who pr ides herself in her knowledge and intellectual abilities, is made a complete fool of by a calculating crook she thinks is the face of real innocence (281) and has an instinct that came from beyond wisdom (281). Joy-Hulga, of course, is not whole; her physical imperfection is symbolic of a spiritual handicap. She has remedied her physical handicap with the artificial legas artificial and clumsy as the intellectual leg she uses to compensate for her crippled soul. Her own intellectual self-sufficiency has become a fake, wooden shell of protection against exposure of her child-like heart and weak soul: She took care of it as someone else would his soul, in private and almost with her own eyes turned away (281). Because Joy-Hulgas mind is not as strong as she thinks it is, and because her soul still has a longing for love that her worldly philosophy has not satisfied, Pointer is able to trick her into feeling that exposing her leg was like losing her own life and finding it again, mir aculously, in his (281). At this point, however, she does not know how prophetic, in the spiritual sense, her thoughts will turn out to be. Just as she is left in a completely helpless situation when Manley Pointer steals her wooden leg, she also becomes more vulnerable (or open) to receive grace when evil strips away her leg of pride and intellect to leave a bare and helpless soul. In this moment when sheer evil confronts the soul, all self-dependence and intellectual strength are found lacking or useless: Without the leg she felt entirely dependent on him. Her brain seemed to have stopped thinking altogether and to be about some other function that it as not very good at (282). OConnor is pointing out the weakness and vulnerability of human powers, whether physical or mental, in the face of the difficulties and evils of real life. Having brought her character to this condition, OConnor typically leaves her with only two optionseither accept or reject the available grace.HAZEL It is this same dilemma that Hazel Motes in Wise Blood attempts to escape. Though his education is not mentioned in the novel, Hazel is clearly seeking a philosophical path as his route of escape; he wants to believe that he does not have the urge for Jesus in his voice (27), as Hawks correctly realizes about him. With every effort to prove this is true, however, he runs into contradictions or circumstances he cannot control. In his attempt to run away from this truth (and to deny that there is any truth at all), he only shows that he actually is still seeking some kind of truth. This is the absurdity and self-contradiction of nihilism that OConnor tries to demonstrate; she believes that people who seek to be converted to nothing instead of to evil (12) are only deceiving themselves. The novel thus traces Hazels attempted journey of escape from this truth and his encounters with numerous obstacles that eventually block his every path and leave him, like Hulga, to face his own t rue helplessness. Hazel tries to proclaim (with his words and actions) that there is no such thing as sin. He knows that to acknowledge the forces of good and evil is to thus acknowledge God and would mean that he must make a conscious choice between the two. While he tries to deny sin, however, he eventually realizes this is useless if sin does not exist in the first place: I dont have to run from anything because I dont believe in anything (43). But this realization does not cure his guilt. He eventually must resort to killing Onnie Jay Holys false prophet, Solace LayfieldHazels conscience in that he is a reflection of Hazels own hypocritical life. He is as incapable of denying sin as he is in his desire for Jesus or salvation. He cannot help his interest in Hawks, for example, and he finds himself preaching the need for a new jesus: What you need is something to take the place of Jesus' (80). Evidently, nothing is not good enough. His rejection of the mummy Enoch offers a s a new jesus is another moment of truth for Hazel. As hard as he tries to run away from him, Christ is still a dominant force in his life and actions. His Church Without Christ is also a comic irony. If Jesus is only a man and so insignificant, why specify his absence from the church? By denying him, Hazel is actually affirming his importance. It also is ironic in this sense: it demonstrates that while he is denyingChrist he is simultaneously affirming a new truth, a new religion. This is, of course, contrary to what he says he wants to dobelieve in nothing. Yet Hazel is determined to convince everyone he is not a preacher of Christ, but he cant escape being a preacher of something (even if that something is nothing). He is still trying to achieve some kind of salvation. Again, OConnor seeks to target the logical inconsistency of nihilism. Since he had earlier decided to ignore the contradictions of his new truththat he would forget it, that it was not important (69)he see ms to grow more and more irrational. OConnor comments that nihilism and other human philosophies do not render Jesus irrelevant or erase humans need for him; they merely attempt to replace him with something else. The destruction of Hazels carhis faithful means of escapeis the final obstacle preventing his escape from truth. It is through this gradual process of having his nihilistic beliefs truly reduced to nothing that his nihilism, as OConnor writes in a letter, begins to turn him back to the fact of his Redemption (923). Suddenly, with all hope gone, His face seemed to reflect the entire distance across the clearing and on beyond, the entire distance that extended from his eyes to the blank gray sky that went on, depth after depth, into space (118). His eyes are opened to a reality larger than himself: Hazels vision is his first and last. It is, in effect, all-inclusive; having seen it, he has nothing left to see (Bumbach 342). When he receives this vision of grace, he dev otes his life only to paying the debt of his redemption.JULIAN Julian may seem to be quite a different kind of person from Hazel, but his basic problem is the samehe believes in his own self-sufficiency. Even though he thinks that he can appreciate his southern heritage better than his naÃÆ'Ã ¯ve, unthinking mother, he can only appreciate with his mind, not his heart: True culture is in the mind, the mind' (489), he tells her. Julian thinks that he has escaped the prejudices and narrow-mindedness of his upbringing and that instead of being blinded by love for her [his mother] as she was for him, he had cut himself emotionally free of her and could see her with complete objectivity (492). This is ironic in light of the ending, in which he discovers he really does love her. Given her lack of mind and Julians lack of heart, I think OConnors suggestion is that the truth is somewhere in between the two. Perhaps this is part of the meaning of the title Everything that Rises Must Co nverge as well-the story is gradually working toward a convergence of the heart and mind. Julian, like Hulga, is educated but still being supported by his mother. He is intelligent, but too intelligent to be a success (491). He also, like his mother, has an escape from the unpleasant realities around him. She lives on in the heart of her past, but he retreats to the mental bubble (491) of his own mind: From it he could see out and judge but in it he was safe from any kind of penetration from without (491). This is further criticism from OConnor that intellectuals frequently divorce themselves from real life to diagnose the worlds problems without ever participating in the active correction of those problems. Julians mother realizes that Julian is right: the world of the past is gone, and she is a stranger in the current one. It is a moment when her heart, which is good but lacks the guidance of her mind, converges with the mind of Julian to bring her to a moment of truth. In th e same way, the mind of Julian, which works quite well but has been separated from his heart, will have to converge with the heart of his mother. In the panicked moments when he realizes his mother is having a stroke, his love for her seems to come rushing back. This moment of convergence for both of them brings true self-understanding and exposes all ignorance and pride. For his mother it seems to be a reality she cannot face; she wants to escape it in the familiarities of her home and her old nurse, Caroline. For Julian it means his entry into the world of guilt and sorrow (500).ASBURY Asbury is another proud, unsuccessful intellectual who will enter this same world of guilt and sorrow, though through an entirely different kind of experience. If he can be given a specific philosophical label, he seems to be more of an existentialist than a nihilist. While Julian takes pride in the fact that (he thinks) he has overcome his stifling upbringing, Asbury believes that his has ruin ed his capacity for art and imagination: I have no imagination. I have no talent. I cant create. I have nothing but the desire for these things. Why didnt you kill that too?' (554), he wrote in a letter to his mother. It is true that he has this desire, but blaming his upbringing for his own failure to find a way to satisfy this desire is only a way to escape responsibility. He evidently uses Kafka as an inspiration for the letter to his mother (554), and indeed, its contents sound Kafkaesque. He is trying to turn his death into something tragic and heroic like Kafkas and is morbidly enjoying the thought of everyone realizing it after he is gone. He envisions this death as a victory and his greatest triumph (560). Asbury, like Hazel, seems to be trying to escape something that at the core of his being he knows is true. He is tormented now thinking of his useless life. He felt as if he were a shell that had to be filled with something but he did not know what (568). His so lution for this feeling, however, is himself: he searches for some last significant culminating experience that he must make for himself before he diedmake for himself out of his own intelligence (568). Of course, this is impossible, and he only grows more frustrated in his failure to create this meaning for himself. In this sense, he is artistically crippled. He realizes that there would be no significant experience before he died (570). Even his last hope that his death would be this significant experience is dashed when he learns that he only has undulant fever from drinking the raw milk and that he would not die. Although he had hoped to leave his mother with an enduring chill (555), ironically, in the end, it is he who is left with the enduring ice (572). Like the undulant fever, it will keep coming back but will not kill him.THOMAS Thomas, in The Comforts of Home, is more comparable to Julian; he also seems self-satisfied in his mental bubble. He tries to ignore his natur al inclinations toward love and pity but cannot quite escape them. For example, he admits to loving his mother because it was his nature to do so, but there were times when he could not endure her love for him. There were times when it became nothing but pure idiot mystery and he sensed about him forces, invisible currents entirely out of his control (575). He is unable to understand his mothers love for him and Sarah Ham because love is not something that can be completely understood by the only faculty he pays any attention tohis mind. OConnor recognizes that humans have been given both reason and the capacity for love but clearly suggests that people like Thomas are wasting both faculties: Thomas had inherited his fathers reason without his ruthlessness and his mothers love without her tendency to pursue it. His plan for all practical action was to wait and see what developed (577). Sarah Ham forces an inner conflict between Thomass heart and mind. The literal intrusion of S arah Ham into his home mirrors the intrusion of the moral and intellectual dilemma she brings into Thomass formerly well-fortified and comfortable mental bubble. He no longer is protected by the comforts of home or the neat boundaries and orderliness of his rationalistic approach to life. His mothers irrational love for Sarah brings this contradiction directly in front of him. Sarah Ham, as the undeserving object of his mothers compassion, is outside of his powers of analysis. He believes that if it were not for Sarah, he could have gone on ignoring or rationalizing away both the worlds evil and his mothers love: The blast [of the gun] was like a sound meant to bring an end to evil in the world. Thomas heard it as a sound that would shatter the laughter of sluts until all shrieks were stilled and nothing was left to disturb the peace of perfect order (593). But by following the evil mind of his father, he has not silenced the laughter of sluts but the loving heartbeat of his mot her. Through her final act of self-sacrificethe ultimate irrationality in Thomass world viewhis mother forever disturbs the peace of perfect order he thought had existed in the world and his own mind. As Jesus does for the Misfit in A Good Man is Hard to Find, she upsets the balance of Thomass life, and like Christs, her sacrifice brings divine grace to a corrupt, earthly reality.RAYBER Two other important intellectuals in OConnors work, Rayber from The Violent Bear It Away and Sheppard from The Lame Shall Enter First, closely resemble each other but are quite different from the other characters examined so far. Martin places them in his group that rejects Christianity as a dangerous myth which interferes with the psychological and social adjustment of the individual (55). They are unlike Hulga, for example, who is satisfied to believe in nothing. They are unlike Asbury, who is desperately searching for some meaning other than nothing. They are unlike Thomas, who wants to rema in isolated from the worlds problems. Rayber and Sheppard believe strongly in their own minds and in the saving power of human knowledge for all humanity. Once again, OConnor counters this philosophy, not through abstract arguments, but through the senses, through dramatic confrontations with the very real but irrational parts of human experience. Raybers problem is that he persists anyway in believing that he can, through his own efforts, overcome this madness in himself and in Tarwater: Its the way Ive chosen for myself. Its the way you take as a result of being born again the natural waythrough your own efforts. Your intelligence' (451). Although Rayber realizes Tarwaters problem is a compulsion beyond reason (421) and that his own love for Bishop comes from an uncontrollable source, he still believes that he can raise Tarwater to be his own saviour (375) and that he can control himself by pure will power (376). The irony is that, as reasonable as Rayber thinks he is, this t hinking is really quite unreasonable. His own failure to reform Tarwater, and the reminders, time after time, that Tarwaters affliction is not something that responds to reason do not rid Rayber of his notions. Like Hazel, as his own philosophy breaks down before his very eyes, he ultimately must resort to even greater irrationality to protect his rational beliefs. The result, as OConnor demonstrates, is a kind of numbing or ineffectiveness of both the mind and emotions: he would have to resist feeling anything at all, thinking anything at all. He would have to anesthetize his life (443). Even after it seems that all his efforts have failed, Rayber devises one last plan to save Tarwater: It was to take him back to Powderhead and make him face what he had done . . . His irrational fears and impulses would burst out and his unclesympathetic, knowing, uniquely able to understandwould be there to explain them to him (423). Once there, he continues preaching that Tarwater needs to be saved and that he is the only one who can truly save him. OConnors description of him at this pointthat he looked like a fanatical country preacher (438)suggests that Rayber is not doing away with all religion but instead is creating a new one. Rayber never expects that returning to Powderhead would have the effect on him it does: he is overcome with a dreaded sense of loss (445). Every time the old uncontrollable madness inside him threatens to push to the surface, he forces it back with his mind and continues planning to conquer the problem of Tarwater. The moment he realizes his failure is completethat Tarwater has not only baptized but drowned Bishopcould have been his moment of grace. It is the equivalent of the moment when Hazel loses his car, but unlike Hazel, Rayber rejects his opportunity. He truly has anesthetized himself to the vision and grace that could have been his: He stood waiting for the raging pain, the intolerable hurt that was his due, to begin, so that he could ignore it, but he continued to feel nothing (456).SHEPPARD Sheppards similarities to Rayber are clear: his faith in the mind, his Enlightenment optimism, and his equally unsuccessful attempts to reform a troubled youth. His final choice, however, is acceptance instead of rejection. The story becomes a conflict between Sheppards desire to have Johnson make the most of your intelligence' (600) and Johnsons insistence that Satan has me in his power (600). Sheppard has great confidence in the human mind and scientific knowledge: He wanted him [Johnson] to see the universe, to see that the darkest parts of it could be penetrated (601). This knowledge, then, is the answer for evil and is bound to improve the human condition: Where there was intelligence anything was possible (601). Norton, though less intelligent than his father, clearly has more of a heart. Facing Nortons desire to believe that his mother is in heaven (which is his hearts natural response), Sheppard can only m uster a lofty comparison of man reaching the moon to the first fish crawling out of the water onto land billions and billions of years ago' (612-13). OConnor is demonstrating the inability of the mind to meet the needs of the heart, or the inability of mans knowledge to fill the hearts natural yearning and need for God. This is also the ultimate reason why Sheppard fails with Johnson. Johnson believes what Sheppard does notthat Nobody can save me but Jesus' (624). Sheppard continues believing that humans can save themselves. However, he encounters the same problems as Rayber. Despite his exposure of the worlds knowledge to Johnson, Johnson turns back to his old ignorance (601) and life of crime and poverty. It becomes clear that reforming Johnson is really about protecting the security of Sheppards own beliefs: Secretly, Johnson was learning what he wanted him to learnthat his benefactor was impervious to insult and that there were no cracks in his armor of kindness and patie nce where a successful shaft could be driven (611). Of course, there is a crack in the armor of his philosophy, and his failure with Johnson is the shaft which is driven in and makes it fall completely apart. This defeat, however, has still not brought Sheppard to the point of admitting his errors and accepting the truth. He still sneers at the Bible and Christianity, saying Its for cowards, people who are afraid to stand on their own feet and figure things out for themselves' (627). Of course, his efforts to figure things out for himself have failed. Johnson has to run away and purposely get caught by the police for this to sink into Sheppards stubborn mindto show up that big tin Jesus, (630). Johnson is right: though Sheppard may not say he is God, he has replaced God with himself. This crisis for Sheppard makes him slowly realize the untruths he has been telling himselfthat he has been acting selflessly. As these lies echoed in his mind, each syllable a dull blow (632), h e hears Johnsons judgment more clearly: Satan has you in his power' (631). This revelation brings true self-knowledge: his image of himself shrivelled until everything was black before him (632). Unlike Rayber, who rejects his vision and feels nothing, Sheppard accepts his revelation and experiences a rush of agonizing love (632) for Norton. He now sees him as the image of salvation (632). He determines, like Hazel, to begin to pay the debt of his redemption: he must give the same undeserved love to Norton that has been given to him.FAITH AND REASON FOR THE CHRISTIAN WRITER OConnors criticism of these intellectual characters should not be misconstrued as an attack on human reason. She did not view knowledge as a threat to true Christian faith but sought to warn her readers against the separation of human reason from its true sourcethe mind of God. Such a separation, she believed, produces a distorted view of reality. She once wrote, St. Thomas called art reason in making.' T his is a very cold and very beautiful definition, and if it is unpopular today, this is because reason has lost ground among us. OConnors stories show an author attempting to create an inseparable fusion of reason and imagination in her art. Desmond describes her efforts as a total interpenetration of the Christian historical sense and the intuitive creative sense in the act of writing fiction (15). The result is a whole and clear vision of reality that surveys the horrors and limitations of human existence in light of a central figure of historyJesus Christ. Thus, it is a vision that offers transcendence through divine grace. OConnor wrote once that because I am a Catholic I cannot afford to be Less than an artist (The Church and the Fiction Writer 809). With such a vision, she was compelled to incarnate it in her fiction.WORKS CITEDBumbach, Jonathan. The Acid of Gods Grace: The Fiction of Flannery OConnor TheGeorgia Review 17 (1963): 334-346.Desmond, John F. Risen Sons: Flannery OConnors Vision of History. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 1987.Martin, Carter W. The True Country: Themes in the Fiction of Flannery OConnor. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1969.OConnor, Flannery. Collected Works. Ed. Sally Fitzgerald. New York: Literary Classics of the United States, 1988.. Everything That Rises Must Converge. 485-500.. Good Country People. 263-84.. Letter to Ben Griffith. 3 March 1954. 923-4.. The Catholic Novelist in the Protestant South. 853-64.. The Church and the Fiction Writer. 807-12.. The Comforts of Home. 573-594.. The Enduring Chill. 547-572.. The Lame Shall Enter First. 595-632.. The Violent Bear It Away. 331-479.. Wise Blood. 3-131.. Mystery and Manners. The Nature and Aim of Fiction. Eds. Sally and Robert Fitzgerald. New York: Farrar, Straus Giroux, 1961. 63-86.
Monday, May 25, 2020
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Thursday, May 21, 2020
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Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Research Essays About Other Essay Topics Examples
Research Essays About Other Essay Topics ExamplesEssay topic suggestions will help you narrow down your search for the best essay writing samples. When you are choosing between thousands of different topics for your research papers, you want to make sure you choose the ones that best reflect your personality and skills. Here are a few tips to help you find the best essay topic ideas.Your personality should be reflected in the topics you choose. As an example, when writing your own essay, remember that it is just like a job interview where you will face a lot of competition for the available research papers. The job market is competitive, so you want to use topics that are familiar to you. Because you will be submitting these to different schools, colleges, and universities, it will be easier for them to see how well you will match the topic.Don't forget that the topics you choose also have to be useful to you as a writer. Don't go into too much detail on the topic if it is not releva nt to your expertise. For example, if you are writing an essay about Japanese cuisine, try using another type of food such as Chinese food instead. The point is to give your audience the information they need to help them better understand the content of your research paper.Be sure to provide your readers with specific background information. You want to make sure the essay you are writing is interesting but you don't want to bore them with too much information. When you think about your research essay, you will need to come up with reasons why you should be chosen for a certain position. When you can't give them compelling reasons, then they won't have any reason to read your research paper.Write with purpose. Most people who choose essay topics they find on the internet don't put in the effort required to write a truly impressive piece. Although you can always take a look at examples for essay topics that have already been written, writing the essay yourself is always the best opt ion.You can save a lot of time and money by creating your own research paper. With your own research paper, you will be able to follow a step-by-step process for creating a more comprehensive and polished research paper. It will also give you the opportunity to meet your deadlines and deal with feedback and critiques from fellow professionals.Always be willing to rewrite sections of your research paper. You may not be comfortable with reworking parts of your essay but this is a fact of life. The more times you edit and rewrite your research paper, the better it will turn out.Remember that there are many options for writing a good essay topic. If you make a list of all the topics you want to consider when researching, you will come up with many other subjects that you can use to make the most of your essay. So be creative and use your resources to write the best research paper for you.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Should Everyone Go to College?
<h1>Should Everyone Go to College?</h1><p>When the subject of attending a university comes up, there is an extraordinary discussion between the individuals who state yes and the individuals who state no. Does everybody truly need to go to college?</p><p></p><p>It's anything but difficult to get directly out of control on the off chance that you are simply searching for the correct response to this inquiry. Try not to consider it an alternative; consider it a reality. A reality that all people ought to have the chance to get instruction past secondary school. It's not simply instructive chances, it's a human right and something we ought to be concerned with.</p><p></p><p>It doesn't make a difference what the subject of the exposition is, or whether it depends on a recent development or verifiable actuality. The truth of the matter is, that everybody ought to get the opportunity to get more instruction and to win a super ior life for themselves and their families.</p><p></p><p>Everyone ought to set off for college since they have to learn more than they know. On the off chance that you glance around, you'll see loads of organizations, associations, and organizations that were made due to legitimate need. These associations were shaped to serve an intrigue, and nobody appeared with the goal of simply having fun.</p><p></p><p>It's astonishing how the world works all things considered. Nobody is destined to be anything, and every individual is brought into the world with the capacity to achieve what the individual in question needs to. At the end of the day, nobody is destined to simply deal with themselves and their families, yet they are destined to add to the world around them.</p><p></p><p>Everyone who's at any point been responsible for a gathering, or an association, has been a piece of it for the greater part of their lives. You have presumably had individuals throughout your life who've worked in your organization, helped your youngsters with their schoolwork, or went about as their essential parental figures. These individuals added to your prosperity, and that is the reason you can't consider any individual who's at any point appeared without an objective in mind.</p><p></p><p>If everybody gets the opportunity to head off to college, they will require a superior life than they're as of now living. An actual existence that will permit them to seek after the profession they had always wanted, venture to the far corners of the planet, meet new individuals, and meet new sweethearts. On the other hand, there's no assurance that everybody will do each one of those things, and we as a whole realize that this world isn't great. We as a whole need the chance to figure out how to control our own predetermination, to be liable for our own fantasies and to pick our way to live.</p>
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Possible Argument Essay Topics at a Glance
<h1> Possible Argument Essay Topics at a Glance </h1> <p>Moreover, a verbal contention regularly centers around who's privilege with respect to a specific issue, despite the fact that an elegantly composed, looked into contention exposition centers around what's the correct side of a particular issue. Basically, a contention article must be sensible from beginning to end. A pugnacious paper is a kind of exposition that presents contentions about either side of an issue. Composing a factious article can once in a while be befuddling since you don't really see how to create a persuading contention. </p> <p>When the subject was chosen, it's significant to concoct a contention encompassing precisely the same. It's normally progressively fitting to think about a few genuine counterarguments in some profundity, instead of to give a long yet shallow assortment of a few particular counterarguments and answers. To compose a phenomenal contentious article the understudies initially should explore a few sides of the contention, which licenses them to make an informed position. </p> <h2> Possible Argument Essay Topics for Dummies </h2> <p>An contentious exposition presents either side of an issue. There should be an incredible blend of assortments of proof supporting every chief point, and each chief point should point back to your general theory. You should initially choose a decent subject with a contention, solid data to back up your perspective, a great position on your side, and an incredible counter-contention that will assist you with sounding less one-sid ed. The theme picked for the reason ought to be appealing in the perspective on numerous perusers. </p> <h2>Hearsay, Deception and Possible Argument Essay Topics </h2> <p>It's essential to choose disputable contentious article themes since you need contradicting focuses you may counter to your own focuses. Your exposition should comprise of ongoing measurements and information from dependable sources. You may keep on saving your contentious articles for your forthcoming activity portfolio on the off chance that they're exceptionally evaluated. Furthermore, remember that the key to a prosperous contentious paper is in discovering acceptable proof to back up your conclusion. </p> <h2> What You Must Know About Possible Argument Essay Topics</h2> <p>Irrespective of the amount or sort of research included, factious papers must set an unmistakable theory and follow sound thinking. Influence can be practiced by specific procedures. </p> <h2> Possible Argument Essay Topics - the Conspiracy</h2> <p>Choosing points is an individual aptitude you have to learn and rehearse at school, so quit lingering and adhere to the basic hints beneath as an approach to consider new thoughts and make an extraordinary subject to take a shot at. At the point when you compose, it is useful to settle on a subject which is both fascinating and far from being obviously true. Factious exposition points are so significant since they are debatableand it's basic to consistently be basically pondering our general surroundings. Settling on an enthusiastic subject is likewise a great thought. </p> <p>Researching the point will empower you to discover increasingly about what entrances you, and should you pick something you genuinely like, composing the exposition will be progressively pleasant. A pugnacious exposition expects you to pick a subject and have a situation on it. Composing contentious papers requires a ton of time to complete, particularly when you don't have an alloted point. </p> <p>It is an unthinkable assignment to think about the amazing, enticing paper or discourse without seeing how to make a respectable factious exposition. A contentious article is a composing piece expected to convince an individual to accept the way that you do. A postulation makes a specific explanation to the peruser what you will endeavor to contend. Despite what might be expected, it might likewise be very fascinating to chip away at just on the off chance that you have great point in your grasp since it's idea of as the foundation of an evaluative exposition. </p& gt; <h2> Possible Argument Essay Topics Fundamentals Explained</h2> <p>It is significant to check surveys about article composing administrations so as to be sure they can convey your undertaking before the cutoff time. A researchable point is one where the essayist can find a scope of dependable and momentum sources. At this point you're most likely anxious to watch an incredible factious paper layout format. At that point you have to attempt to pick a suitable pugnacious paper group. </p> <p>For example, you should remember the perusers while you select contentions to reinforce your position. Perhaps the best ways to deal with adjust anyone's perspective is with an enthusiastic venture. You need to have more than everything else to get your ex back, however the contention that caused the split end up being a terrible undertaking and the idea of making your ex want you again appears to be really outlandish as of now. Present every contention reasonably and impartially, instead of endeavoring to cause it to appear to be stupid. </p> <p>Writing a powerful, pugnacious article can be testing, and on occasion it can locate a bit of confounding. Moral factious paper points are a couple of the least difficult to become overly energetic with. Ongoing contentious exposition subjects that are identified with society is going to do.</p> <p>If you are a newcomer to pugnacious exposition composing, it is far superior to settle on an easy point. It's conceivable to purchase contentious exposition at their site. The best pugnacious article composing administration on the internet is a business that provisions great quality and truly reasonable assistance on contentious exposition and factious paper subjects. </p> <h2> Life, Death and Possible Argument Essay Topics</h2> <p>You may be shocked to hear that the word contention shouldn't be composed anyplace in your task with the goal for it to be a huge part your undertaking. There are a great deal of things to contend when it has to do with the law. You may regularly utilize more than 1 kind of proof in a paper, however make certain inside each segment you're giving the peruser proof suitable to each guarantee. A pugnacious exposition model will uncover the ought to have some significant segments which improve it in the act of persuading. < /p> <h2> Ruthless Possible Argument Essay Topics Strategies Exploited </h2> <p>Writing contentious exposition is a confused activity, as it requires the nearness of numerous aptitudes at the indistinguishable time. Youthful journalists may give basic a shot line reference generators which are ordinarily at no charge. English language classes as a rule take a great deal of composing. It is conceivable to find support of specialists to deliver sure your paper doesn't have any blunders. </p>
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Key Pieces of This Research Paper
<h1> Key Pieces of This Research Paper </h1> <h2>What You Must Know About This Research Paper </h2> <p>Have a look at some of the tips directly here. You are attempting to transform into an expert on the point open. All things considered, late examinations have revealed that with respect to paunch fat, vanity should be not worth fretting over. Internet searcher showcasing is the cutting edge promoting and advertising apparatus. </p> <h2> Ok, I Think I Understand This Research Paper, Now Tell Me About This Research Paper! </h2> <p>There are numerous significant standards. Paper was and still is incredibly basic in this day and age from numerous points of view. Conversation of customer correspondence procedures and true models will be appeared. Over the most recent couple of decades, media courses have indicated a decent arrangement of progress and furthermore have given proficient projects. </p> <h2>Choosing Good Resear ch Paper </h2> <p>State likewise how you mean to move toward your theme. Express the specific issue which you would need to focus your exploration on. Colleges and secondary schools instruct you that you generally need to form a diagram as it's considered to be a very pivotal advance in organizing an exploration paper. </p> <p>Highlighting the interest for extra research gives the peruser proof that you have an inside and out familiarity with the exploration issue. Important Literature The decision of an examination issue can be gotten from a comprehensive survey of relevant research identified with your general field of intrigue. In look into, you have to do autonomous research. To be sure, your exploration must be sound. </p> <p>Reading tests of reaction papers is likewise an extra path by which you can without much of a stretch figure out how to make a response paper to narrative. Affirmation Bias Confirmation predisposition is only one of the most incessant sorts of research inclination. </p> <p>Basically, the presentation is a synopsis or outline of the whole research paper. The span of the presentation will contrast dependent on the sort of research paper you're composing. A succinct however broad writing audit can be a somewhat beneficial approach to outline your own examination paper. In view of the all out length of your paper, it will be fundamental to join a survey of the existent writing previously distributed inside the field. </p> <p>When you consider a paper in that point of view it transforms into a foolish desire for basically any man or lady so as to peruse a paper, and hence be in a situation to have a top to bottom appreciation of what the creator is endeavoring to pass on. Ability your article will be assessed. For a more audit based paper, including an article, it will cause a proposition statement.</p> <h2>The Key to Successful This Research Paper </h2> <p>In the occasion the Wordle result shows words you hadn't intended to underline, at that point it is a sign you should amend your paper to make certain perusers will focus on the ideal subtleties. Clarify quickly the large focuses you need to cover in your paper and why perusers should be keen on your theme. You can start by just haphazardly composing words or expressions of thoughts which you plan to clarify and after that organize them sensibly. On the off chance that you need help with your articles, we'll offer quali ty, reasonable and peaceful essays.</p> <p>An captivating contention shrouded in impervious composition isn't of any utilization to anyone. You can start your presentation with two or three sentences which report the subject of your paper and give a side effect of the sort of research addresses you'll be inquiring. An individual will get a thought with respect to believability of a specific course. Something else, possibly you've recently given a synopsis instead of making a contention. </p> <p>Outlines are irritating, yet by the by, it'll cut the time that it takes you to make a paper down the middle. A blueprint capacities as the system of your presentation. On the off chance that making layout is a piece of your task, follow the headings you were given. The more focuses you wish to incorporate, the more intricate layout you'll ever have. </p> <p>Beyond that, also, there are some additional capabilities of a specialist a patient will need to look into for themselves. The patients can get a v isual of the doable results of a particular method. The high turnover rate may be a sign they're discontent with their current occupation. </p> <p>A general rule in the sociologies is that an incredible research issue is one which would get a determination of perspectives from a composite crowd involving sensible people. When contrasted with the enlistment stage, where you might want to enter the state of ketosis, you may very well eat above what keeps you in ketosis. Clarify how you are going to determine the issue. An interdisciplinary way to deal with choosing an examination issue gives an opportunity to build an increasingly thorough understanding of a somewhat complicated issue that any single control might flexibly. </p>
Friday, May 8, 2020
The Hidden Gem of Ap Lit Essay Score 9 Samples
The Hidden Gem of Ap Lit Essay Score 9 Samples The background required for becoming an on-line essay scorer is based on the standardized test. Even prior to deciding on your position, don't forget to thoroughly read your sources. You should have your reasons, and our primary concern is that you wind up getting an excellent grade. For different positions much like this you may try FlexJobs. There might be a few distracting errors, but they don't impede understanding. It doesn't make a difference to us, whether you're too busy on the job concentrating on a passion undertaking, or simply tired of a seemingly infinite stream of assignments. If you wish to consistently score 9s, you'll have to practice. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Ap Lit Essay Score 9 Samples Is Wrong Instead, you are going to be graded on the total caliber of your essays. In the following article, we will explain the facts of the GRE essay scoring procedure and the rubrics utilized by the human graders to derive your two essay scores. A good topic for a synthesis essay is one which encourages you to opt for a position on a debatable topic. Yes, colleges are given student essays. Compass' content experts also have written a piece on how best to attack the ACT essay. Students who stay centered on the topic and do their very best to compose a well-developed essay will get a trusted score and an in depth description of the scoring criteria, in addition to instructional support tailored to the writer's essay. Just like any great essay, organization is important. Whatever They Told You About Ap Lit Essay Score 9 Samples Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why Similar resources are available on the internet or as computer program. Then you ought to be certain to read our assortment of the greatest strategies and suggestions to enhance your score here. Scoring essays on the internet can be a handy method to earn a little extra cash seasonally. To download these free players, click the hyperlink below. Start looking for common information among them, and get started making connections in your mind while you read. Ideas and AnalysisScores within this domain reflect the capacity to generate productive suggestions and engage critically with several perspectives on the given issue. Through such resources, you are going to discover the precise meanings of words and knowledge about the content of what you're reading. Lousy synthesis topics can arrive in a number of forms. Ap Lit Essay Score 9 Samples - What Is It? An essay with an extremely unique writing style or unusual construction may obtain an advisory message together with a score. The majority of us in daily life aren't writing for a specific person or audience, but rather for someone known as the overall reader. Inside this lesson, you are going to review the essential elements of a story. Your teachers may specify an audience which you are supposed to keep in mind while writing a paper. What You Don't Know About Ap Lit Essay Score 9 Samples Sports is the first thing which springs to mind when folks consider competition. Turquoise blends nicely with fashion and interior design due to its flattering qualities. Most ideas are wholly elaborated. The Chronicles of Ap Lit Essay Score 9 Samples The essay topic is intended to supply you with a chance to demonstrate your capability to write clearly and effectively. Underline as soon as an example essay utilizes evidence to support a claim, be sure that the opening is strong. The essay requires a position on the matter and could provide an extensive context for discussion. It may not take a position on the issue, or the essay may take a position but fail to convey reasons to support that position, or the essay may take a position but fail to maintain a stance. Or numerous facets of the response's analysis are unwarranted dependent on the text. Sticking to your position is the very best approach to attain that. Now you have your argument down in words, you will need to work out how you need to organize and support that argument. Then show the way your argument is stronger. The Fundamentals of Ap Lit Essay Score 9 Samples Revealed From these, percentiles may also be calculated. The essay score isn't a component of the 400-1600 score. Calculating your new SAT score ought to be easynow that there is not any guessing penalty. On the 1 hand, percentile scores on this kind of imperfect measure can be quite misleading. Content entered into graphic organizers can't be saved. Policies are usually finalized in late spring or during the summertime. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. While your absolute best students may not need them, less able students may find them useful approaches to commence. The Most Popular Ap Lit Essay Score 9 Samples Holt Online Essay Scoring can offer useful practice for the types of essays utilized in statewide writing assessments. Colleges which do not require the SAT Essay fall into the consider and don't consider camps. Students cannot submit identical essays during the exact same scoring session. AP English demands a great deal of critical reading, and you may be tempted to speed-read. Errors could be frequently distracting and might significantly impede understanding. They may be frequently distracting and may sometimes impede understanding. They may be distracting and may occasionally impede understanding.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Woodrow Wilson, Carrie Chapman Catt, And Susan B. Anthony
Woodrow Wilson, Carrie Chapman Catt, and Susan B. Anthony share a common purpose in their addresses advocating womenââ¬â¢s suffrage.Wilsonââ¬â¢s Address to the Senate on the Nineteenth Amendment expresses the opinion he holds about the lack of control over women being able to vote; he prioritizes the use of logos to create an argument consisting of present fact and his own belief of how the rest of the world will see them as a nation if they do not ratify the Nineteenth Amendment. Cattââ¬â¢s The Crisis analyzes her present issue of the acknowledgement of womenââ¬â¢s suffrage. Catt explains that through the acknowledgement of womenââ¬â¢s suffrage, women have been given more freedom, yet not the same equality as men. Catt wants more than just exceptions to social rules, she wants people to understand that a woman is not only an imperative cog in the societal machine, but equality should never be a crisis again. Susan B. Anthony wastes no time getting to the point in On W omenââ¬â¢s Right to Vote; she instantly begins her speech with a strong denial of allegations thrown her way and moves right in to speak about the government basing a law off the sex of a person and how the government is not treated as a democracy. Through each of these addresses Wilson, Catt, and Anthony are divided by their point of view and united by their cause, yet only Carrie Chapman Cattââ¬â¢s address holds the most effective reasoning. Miller2 Woodrow Wilsonââ¬â¢s Address to the Senate on the Nineteenth Amendment reasons withShow MoreRelatedThe Women s Suffrage Era1209 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Womenââ¬â¢s Suffrage Era ââ¬Å"The only Question left to be settled now is: Are Women Persons?â⬠Susan Brownell Anthony inquired in a speech she divulged during the 1800s after she was arrested and fined for voting the year before (women s rights to the suffrage pg. 2). During the 1900s, and many years before that, women became vile to the fact of feeling suppressed. Two particular women became repulsive to the fact that women voting was a taboo subject. Because of the impact, these women had on the societyRead MoreThe Women s Suffrage Movement1952 Words à |à 8 Pageswould eventually snowball into one of the most remembered suffrage movements in the history of the United States (Revolutionary Changes and Limitations). The womenââ¬â¢s suffrage movement picked up speed in the 1840-1920 when women such as Susan B. Anthony, Carrie Chapman Catt, and Alice Paul came into the spot light. These women spearheaded the women suffrage movement by forming parties, parading, debating, and protesting. The most renowned women suffrage parties that were created during the 1840-1920 wasRead MoreThe Women s Suffrage Movement1535 Words à |à 7 Pagesorganization in the United States, was formed in 1890 by the merging of two rival suffrage groups, the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) and the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA). Elizabeth Cady Stanton, founder of the NWSA alongside Susan B. Anthony, spoke at the first womenââ¬â¢s rights convention at Seneca Falls, New York and declared ââ¬Å"We are assembled to protest against a form of government, existing without the consent of the governed ââ¬â to declare our right to be free as man is free. ThisRead MoreEssay on The Womens Rights Movement 1848-19201091 Words à |à 5 Pages The Womenââ¬â¢s Rights Movement was a long and persistent battle fought by many brave female advocates that came before us such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott and Susan B. Anthony. These women selflessly dedicated their lives to the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which forever changed the lives of womankind in America. Prior to their efforts, the United States was still in shambles over the Civil War and spent most of its focus on rebuilding the country and securing rights to AfricanRead MoreThe Inevitable: an Analysis of Carrie Chapman Catts Address to the U.S. Congress (1917)1622 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Inevitable: An Analysis of Carrie Chapman Cattââ¬â¢s Address to the United States Congress (1917) In November 1917, Carrie Chapman Catt, leader of National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA), gave an address to the United States Congress expressing her belief that womanââ¬â¢s suffrage was inevitable, and requesting that Congress see it as such and vote to pass the amendment. Cattââ¬â¢s speech was based on facts and figures (ethos) from our own countryââ¬â¢s history, logic, reasoning, and common senseRead MoreThe Womens Right Movement2439 Words à |à 10 PagesLibrary of CongressAlice Paul (second from left), chairwoman of the militant National Womanââ¬â¢s Party, and officers of the group in front of their Washington headquarters, circa 1920s. They are holding a banner emblazoned with a quote from suffragist Susan B. Anthony: No self-respecting woman should wish or work for the success of a party that ignores her sex. The first gathering devoted to womenââ¬â¢s rights in the United States was held July 19ââ¬â20, 1848, in Seneca Falls, New York. The principal organizersRead MoreThe Suffrage Movement Of The United States970 Words à |à 4 PagesDuring this time, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized the Seneca Falls Convention. Shortly after in 1951, Susan B. Anthony joined the two previously states activists and they founded the Womenââ¬â¢s National Loyal League (WNLL) in the main attempt to abolish slavery and gain full citizenship for African Americans and women. Shortly after slavery was abolished, Anthony and Stanton formed the National Women Suffrage Association (NWSA), in 1869. This was delegated as being a more radical organizationRead MoreAmerican Women During The Civil War914 Words à |à 4 PagesRights Association was founded by veteran reformers Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Lucy Stone (Jones, 387). The Equal Rights Association was created to link the rights of white women and African Americans. However, due to Kansas voters who defeated a referendum proposing suffrage for both African Americans and white women in 1867, the two causes decided to separate. In 1869, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony found the National Women Suffrage Association (NWSA) while Lucy StoneRead MoreHis 204: American History Since 1865 Essay2139 Words à |à 9 Pagesmen. ââ¬Å"It was a powerful symbol and the beginning of a long struggle for legal, professional, educational, and voting rightsâ⬠(Bowles, 2011). In 1890, Stanton along with Lucy Stone and Susan B. Anthony formed the organization National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA). ââ¬Å"Stanton, and others like Susan B. Anthony, labored through the late 19th century to achieve victory, but by the time of their deaths in 1902 and 1906, they still were not welcome at the ballot boxâ⬠(Bowles, 2011). At theRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1477 Words à |à 6 Pagesamendment is a turning point in history because it granted women the power to vote by prohibiting any United States citizen to be denied the right to vote based on sex (PBS). The Seneca Falls convection in July 1848 led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Lucretia Mott, was the first women s rights convention in American history. Men and women from all over joined the three ladies in Seneca Falls, New York to protest the mistreatment of women in social, economic, political, and religious
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Social Security Essay Example For Students
Social Security Essay Since the Second New Deal and the Social Security Act of 1935 the elderly and disabled of the United States have relied upon their monthly checks from the government to survive. However, from its inception the Social Security system has been plagued with numerous problems. Out of all the problems that have enveloped the system. There are only two that have seriously threaten the existence of the entire Social Security system. The first problem that jeopardized the existence of the system was in 1937 when there was a movement in the courts to declare the actions and creation of the system as being unconstitutional. This movement to prevent the establishment of the Social Security system never reached the Supreme Court. The second and most recent problem to face the system is by far the greatest threat ever to the existence of the system. This new threat is one that has been perpetuated by the inability of the system to solve the problem. The problem that is at hand today is that the Social Security system will not be able to pay its recipients their deserved funds. This problem was created by the fact that longevity has increased and that in the next 5 to 10 years the baby boomers will become eligible for Social Security. What is unique about the problem is that the systems funds will not be completely depleted until the year 2029 . The problem of depleted funds in the system is created because the system is unable to adjust to the change in life style and cost of living. Thus the system over time will not take in enough money or give out enough to support the recipient with the proper funds to survive. However as a result of a period of healthy economic growth, reduced unemployment and low inflation, the long-range solvency predictions about the Social Security system have improved over the past year, according to the Social Security Board of Trustees . The robust economy we are currently enjoying and the enactment of the Balanced Budget Act support this statement. With the past year of economic success the board predicts that the system will remain solvent until 2032 . Kenneth S. Apfel, commissioner of the Social Security Administration, calls the systems long-term financial problems manageable, but warns against relying on the often unpredictable economy to aid in the future of the ailing system . It is clear that action must be taken to stave off a serious Social Security crisis. As a Senator from Pennsylvania I am in a difficult and unique position. Pennsylvania is a state with two vastly different spectrums of the Social Security system. The first is the urban spectrum where most of the recipients are barley living above the poverty line.There are two causes for this problem. First, the cost of living in the city is exorbitantly expensive. Second, many of the urban recipients had jobs that were low paying; thus the amount of return on their Social Security checks was low. The second is th e rural spectrum where most of the people are having few problems with the system. This is because the cost of living in the countryside is low. The returns that the recipients get from the system enable them to live a comfortable life. Because of the vastly different spectrums within my state I must be careful when supporting reforms for the Social Security system. I can not support a reform that will hurt one spectrum and benefit the other. Also being a Senator I must keep in mind how the reforms will effect the rest of the nation. I must keep the mentality of a statesman at all times. Being aware of the crisis and the circumstances in my state and the nation there are several reforms that I feel should never be implemented into the system. One such reform is the proposal to privatize the system. Supporters of privatizing the Social Security system argue that privatization provides the individual with control of the Social Security portion of their retirement plan. Thus allowing i nvestors to achieve higher rates of return and higher benefits than Social Security provides. I feel this reform is not acceptable. In order to change the system to a private one it would cost a significant amount of money. This change could undermine the stable benefits that the people receive from the Social Security system. This would especially hurt the low-income recipients. It is my belief that individual accounts to invest funds can be supplemental but not replace the system. Currently many Americans invest their money for retirement. This is great but an across the board move should not be done. Another reform for the system, which I feel, should not be implement is the raise of the payroll tax. Workers and individuals pay the payroll tax from their pay checks to the system. In 1999, workers and their employers each paid 6.2 percent payroll tax on wages, up to a maximum of $72,600. It is believed that by raising the payroll tax the revenue would rise, which could mean less s evere benefit cuts to save the system. I am against this because raising the payroll tax could have a negative effect on the economy and will reduce the take-home pay of most workers, especially low-income workers. And, employers would have to pay more payroll tax. .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44 , .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44 .postImageUrl , .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44 , .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44:hover , .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44:visited , .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44:active { border:0!important; } .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44:active , .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44 .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7caa68234fdcfa02ddccdf8fb49a9f44:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Coloseum EssayThese are just two examples of proposed reforms with which I disagree with. There are however several reforms that I am a strong support of. Currently the age at which one is to begin receiving Social Security benefits is planed to be 67. Seeing that the longevity of people in America has increased it is only a plausible reform to increase the retirement age. I feel that the retirement age should be change to 70 years of age. This change can also be supported by the fact that if the retirement age in 1935 was set at 65; today the it would be above age 70. Opponents to the increase say that the older works that are forced to continue working due to the increas e in the retirement age may become unemployed and fall below the poverty line. They also say that elder people are often phased out of work because of their age. My response to this is that there are numerous laws against age discrimination. Any company that discriminates against elders will feel the wrath of justice. And the final reform is a modification of currently proposed reform. Being from a state were there are both significant urban and rural populations I know the significant difference in the cost of living. Understanding this difference I propose that the Social security system take into account the location of living for the recipient. If a recipient lives in a significantly urban area they would receive more funds to maintain a similar life style to those who receive funds in the rural areas. The benefits of the rural recipients would not be affect they would receive the same amounts as they currently do. Just the benefits of the urban recipients would be increased to insure a comfortable style of living. The problems facing the nation with the Social Security system are such that it will take a fully bipartisan action to solve them. While creating reforms for the system we must keep in mind why the system was created, how the reforms will effect each individual in the nation, and to maintain a nonbiased system. We must a nation solve these issue before they reach a point in which we can no longer salvage the system.
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